Monday, May 28, 2007

Good news for people who love bad news

It's about time for a new blog post. We know--the next podcast *is* coming. It's just coming a little slow. You'd be limping too if you fell down the stairs and broke both your shins. Truth is, there have been several unexpected roadblocks with this coming episode.

First there's chronic laziness. It's a well-known fact that one in every three Canadians suffer from the condition. However, what most people don't know is that a small handful of these people are actually allergic to all sorts of mental and physical strain. Fritz is one of these people. Feel free to send him a consolatory email or beat him up if you see him in the street. He'd appreciate your patience and consideration.

Both Fritz and I have also had computer troubles: his which forced him to abandon the familiar comfort of Windows for Linux--yes, he's a Linux head now--and mine which left me with a melted power cord for my good laptop. As you might imagine, I've been spending shockingly small amounts of time on the internet in the last week and a half. (Hurry up with that replacement cord, Apple. I mean it.)

But of course, none of this is any excuse for the lack of updates. I assure you that Fritz takes full responsibility and will humbly accept any lashings (verbal or physical) that he rightfully deserves.

I promise that your patience will pay off, for we have some exciting changes to the podcast that will make the coming episodes well worth the wait. And while you're waiting, send us an email! For every letter we don't reply to, Fritz has to put a dollar in the jar (and I could really use a couple bucks for a cheeseburger.)


Alex said...

If it weren't for my own laziness, I would have bombarded you with e-mail that tells completely unrelated stories and fabrications, only to force you to read half of it, find out it's junk and continue on looking for the serious ones.

Anonymous said...

All three of my nipples have hardened in unison at the prospect of a new podcast being in the works.

Alex said...

I can only wonder what goes through your mind, and question your biology.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.