Friday, April 27, 2007

When something smells, it's usually the Butz.

The first post ran a little long so I'm starting a new one.

I should really go get that McDonald's if I want to get there before breakfast ends. I'm not exactly sure when that happens, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.
Off I go--out into the world. Being out of the apartment is probably my best bet to staying awake anyway. I'm not too likely to fall asleep in the mall.

The mall was a nice distraction. The place is eerily quiet on a weekday morning.
I'm beginning to turn a little absent-minded in my fatigued state. I walked right past the ATM on my way to McDonald's and was halfway through the line when I realized I forgot to pick up cash. Then, I left my card in the machine when I went back, walking a dozen steps before figuring out why I was still holding my wallet open.
Stopped at the arcade for awhile. Played more video games. I did horribly, but at least I can blame my lack of sleep.
Red bull #2. Eight and a half hours to go.

Starting to crash. Starting to crash pretty hard.
But only a little over 7 hours to go. Fritz was supposed to play poker with me on Xbox Live but his internet flaked out. I'm finding it hard to keep myself occupied at this point. I'm spending a lot of time pacing and sitting in my computer chair thinking of ways to waste time. I know I can't study in this state, so I'm not going to even bother trying.
I think I'm going to kill some zombies.
Might have to move on to coffee when I run out of red bull (which seems inevitable.)

Six more hours. The first 24 hours went by a lot quicker than the remaining 9 are. I also just discovered my initial math was flawed. I added 24 and 9 as 29. I'll actually be up for 33 hours if I make it to 8pm.
Vision is getting a little blurry. I'm gonna eat something, crack another red bull, and watch some TV.
Amusing how the days where I'm desperately searching for something to do are less productive than when I'm being lazy.

Am I losing a day? Or am I gaining a day? Over the course of two days, I only woke up once and am only going to bed once. At the same time, though, I'm up for 11 hours three times in that two-day period. That's cutting it pretty close to three days.
I suppose the fact that I'm barely functional nullifies any 'gain' I could possibly have.
I wonder if getting some real exercise would help me stay awake or just tire me out...

You know when you're so drunk that you feel completely sober, then when you stand up you stumble over your own feet and decide it's probably best you stay seated?
I wonder if the amount of sleep you need is determined by how fatigued you are. After being awake for a full day and a half, do you need two nights worth of sleep to make up for it? Is ten hours enough?
Not that I'm looking for an excuse to cut out early. I said I'd stay up until 8, so I'm staying up until 8. I've gone to sleep at 5pm before only to wake up at 11:30. No way in hell could I get back to sleep after that. It sucked.
Looking back at previous loggings, I barely remember going to the mall now. I don't know if I should be worried about that or not. Too tired to really care.

I'm out of caffeine. That should be alright, though. caffeine tends to last about three hours or so.
More street fighter. Seems to be fairly good at keeping me awake. I can't even watch TV anymore. Too passive.
Maybe I will go outside for a bit...

I decided to go rollerblading. I'm half falling asleep typing this, so it seems the only thing that can keep my awake at this point is moving around. Rollerblading probably wasn't the best choice, though. I swallowed a bug, almost passed out climbing the stairs to my apartment, and now I'm burning at probably a million degrees. Very uncomfortable.
Just over an hour to go.


Don't you mean "Bizarro" gut them?

I'm going to go ahead and apologize for the lack of a podcast for the last month. Exam period is just coming to a close, and I promise from the bottom of my falling GPA that we'll have time for another very soon. Now that the icky business is out of the way, I'd like to focus on the present for a moment.

I have an exam Saturday.

Moving away from the fact that writing an exam on a weekend is absolutely ridiculous, I've hit a little snag in my quest to not fail. My last exam until now was over a week ago, so I've already begun to shift into "summer mode." This of course means mental atrophy, complete lack of motivation, and a slipping sleep schedule. My exam on Saturday is at 9am, which basically means I'll have to drag myself out of bed for at least 7am. The problem is, I've been getting to bed only a few hours before then on a consistent basis for the last few days.

As I'm sure you've tried, it's very difficult to go to bed eight hours earlier than the night before and still get a meaningful sleep. My only remaining option: sleep deprivation. I've set a goal: I figure if I make it to 8pm Friday evening, I'll be able to get a solid ten hours of sleep and be awake and alert for the exam. Given that I woke up at eleven this morning (stupid birds) that's 29 hours straight. Easy, right?

The following is a running log as of 2am, Friday the 27th. Wish me luck.

Feeling pretty good. Just had a donair, picked up some red bull, and tossed my textbooks on the floor. I won't be needing those.
Wish I hadn't caught up on the TV shows I had downloaded earlier today. 18 hours to go.

Playing some Street Fighter 3. Not particularly tired yet; it was still a few more hours before I got to bed the night before.

My room is terribly boring all of a sudden. I'm getting the yawns. Surfing through random TV programming. Nothing on TV is ever interesting at this hour.
I hit 'Save as Draft' rather than 'Publish' for my first few postings. Maybe I am tired.

Stupid birds are chirping again. I'd close the window, but it'd get too warm in here. Heat means tired, and tired means sleep. Can't have that.

The sun is up now. I just reminded myself that I'll be able to have McDonald's breafast for the first time in years.
I look across to the apartments on the other side of the lot, and some of them have their lights on. I wonder if they're just waking up, or not yet gone to bed.
Here's when I'd usually fall asleep.

My eyelids are getting heavy. I crack open the first red bull. The light from outside is now completely removing the necessity for artificial light.
I really better not lie down.

Playing some music to fight the sleepies. Bloc Party. Good tunes.
More video games. The more active the better, I guess. Having a bit of a second wind.
Just over 12 hours to go. (It doesn't sound so bad when it's worded that way.)
I set my alarm for tomorrow morning in case I'm too tired and forget to do it tonight.

The city is starting to animate. I can only guess what people are up to at this hour. Cars are already driving out of the parking lot. Do all these people have "jobs?"
It's odd being there when the city goes to sleep, then be still waiting while it wakes up again.
I suppose I might as well grab a shower. Seems logical that, if I'm trying to keep myself from falling asleep, I should do the things I usually do when I'm waking up.

Getting a little cranky.
Shower was cold. It turns out the rest of my apartment also decided to have a shower at this very moment.
I'm beginning to resent my neighbours.

Keep following this absolutely riveting story here!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Happy Egg Salad, National Women's Nutrition, and Pan American week, people.